October 10, 2008

Classic Elvis Peacock $uit x $300,000::

Rock n Roll has a flamboyant history and who could forget Elvis Presley when we are talking about flamboyance and rock music! If you have watched his recorded performances, you would know that he had a special liking towards the grand peacock suit. The suit was sold at the Gotta Have It! auction for an astonishing price of $300,000. The outfit is sparkling white with a low neck and the characteristic high collars which Elvis loved. Gold medallions have been used to embellish the suit with peacock feather designs.

 Apparently, Elvis felt the peacock was a lucky charm and was seen wearing the suit many times. Presley had originally paid $10,000 for the suit and had the women asking for more. Elvis was always known for his distinctive taste in style and fashion and was a major trendsetter of his time. With those famous side locks and the hairstyle for which he is still known for today, he had audiences screaming for more all over the world. 

the peacock$ are coming! - ti$a

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